Saturday 8 May 2021

Colombian Human Rights' Agency opened an army office inside their facilities



Date: 5th of Mayo

Place: W Radio Colombia


ContextoExclusive news on W Radio, hosted by Juan Pablo Calvás, publishes an audio clip which proves that National Ombudsman authorised the army to establish offices within the Public Defence premises.


Video subtitle: International community alerted after Colombian armed forces violated Human Rights, José Miguel Vivanco speaks. #esUrgente (#itsurgent)


Andrea Diaz:

We are here to uncover at least one audio clip, which was quite alarming for many within the Public Defence Office, as well as for many organisations defending human rights for Colombian citizens, in such tensed circumstances and in the midst of protests where there have been several indications of public forces abusing of their power, and which raises the question of whether there is real independence or not, especially given what we are about to hear. This is related to an authorisation that National Ombudsman Carlos Camargo presumably granted for an Army office to be established within the Public Defence premises.

This is not what we say, but what we have found to be said in a series of audio clips that we obtained, and that we will be publishing this very moment.

The context is the following: since November last year (2020), 3 individuals, who introduce themselves as national army staff members, are visiting various premises and offices within the Public Defence Office, 


Andrea Díaz:

…discussing with public officials and mentioning their role as focal points between the Army and the Public Defence collaboration. 

Video Subtitle: Exclusive: "Independence? National Ombudsman authorised the establishment of an army office within the Public Defence premises. #esUrgente (#itsurgent)

We understand that these types of collaborations are common within most public entities, however, because of the Supervisory Body established in the 1991 Constitution which gives autonomy and independence to the Public Defence Office in guaranteeing Human Rights, the conversation recorded goes against the establishment of such a collaboration, especially when the army is present within the Public Defence premises.

IN this audio we can hear Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Quevedo, who introduces himself as representative of the National Army and who explains to the officers of the Public Defence that they will be working in collaboration.

Let's listen to the first audio clip, which would then prove the presence of the army within the premises of the Public Defence.

Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Quevedo: 

I am the Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Quevedo, from the Colombian Army, I am here as representative of the military forces.


Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Quevedo: 

I have been here since November last year, and I have been assigned the role of Inter-institutional Cooperation Officer, to the Public Defence Office.

Andrea Diaz: 

This is what Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Quevedo says when introducing himself to Public Defence officials. He then states that he will be acting as an intermediary and that he won't be affecting the mission of the Public Defence Office, but seeks to understand who are the guarantors of Human Rights and the type of work they do. 

Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Quevedo: 

My job essentially is to be an intermediary, establishing and reducing communication links between both entities. We understand, it is clear for us and we do not want you to think that we will be getting in the way of the work you do as Public Defence officials, of course not.


Andrea Diaz:

However, in another section of the audio clip which we are revealing exclusively here on W, Lieutenant Colonel says that Mr. Carlos Camargo, National Ombudsman, already knows about the presence of his team and also says he is waiting to see if he will be getting an office on the second floor of the Public Defence building.

This is the gravity of the situation which we have been asked to assess.

What is an Army officer doing inside the Public Defence Office?

Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Quevedo: 

Mr. Carlos Camargo already knows about my presence here of course, as well as his Adviser Mr. Vives and his Secretary. And I have been tasked to pass by each Public Defence delegation in order to introduce myself…


Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Quevedo: 

… and let you know that I will be located on the second floor. This is to be confirmed, I am still waiting for the office to be given to me officially, but basically this what Mr. Camargo has in mind.

Andrea Diaz: 

"Mr. Carlos Camargo…, " he says Juan Pablo, "…of course already knows about my presence here…

Juan Pablo: 

Not only Mr. Camargo but all the delegations too! 

Andrea Díaz: 


Juan Pablo: 

Based on what the man says in the video clip

Andrea Díaz:

He also says that his Adviser Mr. Vives and his Secretary also know about this information and that he has been tasked to pass by all the delegations and that he will be on the second floor…

Juan Pablo: 

But Andrea, the question is: the Public Defence, since it is mentioned in the Constitution, is it not supposed to be an independent entity? Is it not supposed to be managing, hmm, even more because it is the guarantor of Rights, shouldn’t it keep a distance from all other Government agencies? Because in the long term….and I have to look into the Constitutional text…


Juan Pablo:

…but the Public Defence's job is also to supervise other Government agencies to make sure they are not violating any Human Rights. 


Of course! Look, to give you an example, in the midst of such tensed situation, in the protests, in the streets, citizens are saying there has been abuse of power from the armed forces and police, who do they turn to? They turn to the Public Defence, who guarantees them that neutrality.

And it's almost like the role of what we also know as the CICR, the International Committee of the Red Cross, they can't take any sides, they can't have any flag of any side, and even when they go on the ground they have to go by their own means, they cannot use police cars or army planes, they have to remain neutral and independent. 

This is why this it really bad. Because if they did have authorisation to…

Juan Pablo: 


Hashtag it's urgent! An answer from the Public Defence Office is urgently needed with regards to this! But I believe you have more audio clips right Andrea?


Andrea Díaz:

Yes, we have more audio clips in which this Colonel says they are approaching other Public Defence offices and something else also catches our attention, the fact that he says there is a project that includes strategic works which would benefit both entities. What does it mean "…strategic works which would benefit both entities" for the Army and the Public Defence Office? Let's listen.

Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Quevedo: 

We have been approaching other Public Defence offices and some strategic works are planned that would benefit both entities. In particular, well I am not an expert in these areas but within my role as intermediary, cooperation officer or liaison officer, to call it that way, I do know the structure of the Army obviously and I do know who specifically will be able to help with this process and this important work and so this is the reason for this meeting.

Which is also why today I have brought to this meeting Mr. Mauricio Aseli and Ms. Lieutenant Sara Garson who are two officials working directly under the Direction supporting with this transition.


Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Quevedo: 

They are officials of the Legal Department and within this particular organisational structure of the Army we all belong to the Policy Planning Secretariat. That is what it is called.

And it is within that body that the various plans and policies are born and projected. These plans and policies, which can be found in different documents, are fulfilled by us from a strategic level to a tactical level, down to the last soldier for all the various policies. 

And these are the ones who are experts within the Armed Forces of course, they possess the expertise with regards to topics related to (cannot hear) and topics related to (cannot hear).

Andrea Díaz:

"We belong to the Policy Planning Secretariat where all the plans and policies are projected, which we fulfil from a strategic level, down to the last soldier." Why did they have to be present over there in the Public Defence premises?


Andrea Díaz:

Let's listen to another audio clip and hear what this Colonel has to say as he introduces himself to the Public Defence officers.

Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Quevedo:

Whatever I can help you with please do not hesitate, we are here to help. I repeat, if at any time you come across a topic that you do not know of or you do not have the necessary information, I can contact the Army directly and get you that information you need.

Really, I am very grateful to be working here at the Public Defence Office, working next to you on this very important task. I feel very proud and fulfilled. I am very happy to be able to bring my input to this entity and act as coordinator to the Public Defence Office.

Andrea Díaz:

Well yes Juan Pablo, this is also very worrying…

Juan Pablo:

Well… but…

Andrea Díaz:

On top of that, the National Ombudsman's position over the past few days has not been very clear with regards to police and public forces brutality 

Juan Pablo:

But Andrea, and what is the army saying? What is the Public Defence office saying? Is there any explanation for the Public Defence office, which today should be looking closer at everything that has been happening during the last few nights, some of these things have not let us sleep even, we have been profoundly hurt, watching these horrific videos and images coming from cities across the country, is there an explanation as to why there is an office for those who are meant to watch us and control us within the Public Defence Office? What are they saying?

Andrea Díaz:

Well, I will tell you exactly what has been said by the communications and advisory office of National Ombudsman, Carlos Camargo. They say that they have asked him and that Mr. Camargo says he has never granted this authorisation, and that there is no such thing as an Army office on the second floor.

This completely goes against what the Lieutenant Colonel says about his office on the second floor and the permission given to him by the National Ombudsman.


Andrea Díaz:

They tell us that this is not the voice of Carlos Camargo. Indeed, this is the voice of the Lieutenant Colonel.

Juan Pablo:

Hmm yes. That's true.

Andrea Díaz:

…and this order was never given.

Juan Pablo:

…but he is introducing himself no? This Colonel introduces himself.

Andrea Díaz:

Of course. The Colonel introduces himself and he is not National Ombudsman Carlos Camargo. They say that this order was never given, that this office does not exist and that this is fake.

We insisted in asking why was the Lieutenant Colonel saying that?

They replied the following: "the Public Defence is working in coordination with the military investigation team in order to expedite the processing of citizens' complaints, the same way they do with other Human Rights organizations. "

We asked why then does he mention Mr. Camargo as well as his Secretary Mr. Vives.

They said: "Yes, the Lieutenant Colonel is an intermediary between the military forces and the Public Defence Office whose role is to expedite the processing of complaints that reach us, but there has never been a military office within the Public Defence premises. Additionally, there are intermediary between all entities. "

He says that this office does not exist, this is not like that.


Andrea Díaz:

Lastly they tell us… Ah we asked them if there was any administrative intermediary or any directive that would specify the terms and conditions of such collaboration, and he tells us the following: "the intermediary does not require any agreement, it is simply about establishing a role for someone to be responsible for the effective fulfilment of the requirements mandated in regards to the processing of citizens' complaints. This role is based on circumstances that require immediate actions and results."

The question is: was the Lieutenant Colonel lying? He's been there since November last year.


Excuse me Andrea, if this is an intermediary, if they are using the excuse of an intermediary, who or what entity is in charge of the salary of this Lieutenant Colonel, the army or the Public Defence?

Andrea Díaz:

They introduce themselves as Army staff members, so…


So this is an Army official? And so the Army pays him?


Andrea Díaz:

Yes exactly, and we actually consulted with the Army and this is what they say:

"The army sporadically uses the services of an intermediary officer who works as focal point between the Army and the Public Defence. This officer only acts as a communication link, to efficiently and appropriately handle citizens' requests through Public Defence. Some topics are dealt with in collaboration, such as information related to military passbooks, as well as other processes, requests and replies which have to be issued to that entity as quickly as possible. "

This means that the military staff, which was assigned as an intermediary they say, is only a link between both entities and that at no point he is to interfere with matters related to this entity.

And now they write to us that they used to use the services of an intermediary official, but that they is no current intermediary official assigned at this point.

We are still waiting on some information with regards to why this cooperation was put to an end, from what date to what date was this official acting as intermediary and if indeed, as mentioned by the Colonel in the audio, they were going to establish an Army office.


Juan Pablo:

Ay ay ay Andrea. And well, the National Ombudsman still has not explained to us why he was not present last Saturday during the crisis meeting, which took place in the premises of the Public Defence. He said yesterday that he was in Bogota. But for what reason did he not attend the crisis meeting, which was actually led by the President? That empty chair…the image of that empty chair still remains.

Andrea Díaz:

At a time when the presence of the Public Defence was most needed, and this is not to stigmatise other defenders of Human Rights, specially those who have been present during this situation, it is urgent to hear from Public Defence on what will be done in response to these events, and this audio clip leaves us doubtful as to what position is to be taken.

Juan Pablo:

Hashtag It is urgent! Says Twitter with this Hashtag #esurgente (#itsurgent)

13:45 - End

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