Saturday 8 May 2021

US considers to withdraw military support to Colombia due to Human Rights violations

Representative Gregory Meeks questions Colombian Government's violence escalate 


Translated version: 

The US asks to withdraw military support from Colombia for DD violations. H H.

With information from EFE - May 4, 2021 4:15 pm

Democrat and chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the United States House of Representatives,Gregory Meeks urged President Ivan Duque "to reduce violence and make clear that excessive use of force is inexcusable".

“I am extremely concerned about the brutal responses of the National Police and ESMAD to the protests in Colombia. I am particularly alarmed by the development in Cali and I call on President Iván Duque to de-escalate the violence and make it clear that the excessive use of force is inexcusable, ”said Meeks.

In addition, he asked for the United States Leahy Act to be implemented,which consists of preventing the Department of State and the Department of Defense of that country from providing military aid to governments that use force in violation of human rights with impunity.

“It is imperative that the US Leahy Act. The US is fully enforced as we make it clear that the United States will not support security forces involved in serious human rights violations, ”Meeks said.


See also: Foreign Ministry convenes diplomatic corps to report on public order crisis


Colombia has been protesting for almost a week against a tax reform that, had it gone ahead,would have particularly hit the middle class and the lower class, due to the expansion of the tax base and the collection of 19% VAT

The demonstrations have not stopped despite the resignation of the Minister of Finance, Alberto Carrasquilla, and have already caused the death of 18 civilians and a policeman, in addition to 800 injured, according to the UN office in the country.

Most of the deaths have occurred in Cali, but according to the United Nations office there have also been deaths in other areas of the country such as Ibagué, Tolima, Pereira, Risaralda, Soacha or Cundinamarca.


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